Title: After Love Pairing: Chiitaro Genre: Fluff Summary: Two lovers get reunited. Notes: Based off of Crystal Kay’s song After Love ~First Boyfriend~ ( Setsunai yo in the after love )
Title: Not Alone Pairing: Okayama, hinted!Yamajima, blink-and-you'll-miss-it!Chiitaro Rating: Various Summary: “This relationship just isn’t working out,” those words were enough for Keito’s world to come crashing down. For: My epic Wifeyy/Mama hotfruits !! Prompts are from 1sentenceorder comm
Title: Simple Touches Pairings: Various (Okajima, Takayama, Ryushin, Chiitaro) Genre: PG, Angst, Romance Summary: A simple interaction of the skin is enough.